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Published April 15th, 2019


Taste Tint: Purple Potato Cheese

by Lisa Schantl

Want to taste Tint? We've found super tasty bread spreads in the colors of our lettering! Cheers to our recipe for purple: "Lila Erdäpfelkas," or in English "purple potato cheese" (vegan)!

Purple Potato Cheese (c) Carmen Teubenbacher


  • 160 g purple potatoes, boiled

  • 60 g potatoes, boiled

  • 1 small onion

  • 1 teaspoon majoram

  • 15 g coconut oil

  • 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt

  • some coconut oil for roasting



Peal the boiled potatoes and smash them with a potato ricer. Slice the o

nion and roast it in some coconut oil. 

Mix riced potatoes, roasted onion, chopped majoram, salt and coconut oil. Serve it with decoration and love! 

"Erdäpfelkas" presentation at our launch party (c) Carmen Teubenbacher

Recipe based on www.freudeamkochen.at

Lisa Schantl

Nationality: Austrian

First Language(s): German
Second Language(s): English, French, Spanish

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